Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas Present Vino

Well damn if I shouldn’t get posting. A hiatus well past its sell-by-date, or indeed vintage.

In amongst the Teaching of English and Film and the regular goings on of life and beautiful, bouncing babies, wine has taken a back seat. At times. Not all the time. But most.

That said, keeping one’s toe in the arctic water this winter - so to speak - trying the odd red this wet and winter season has gladdened this British December.

Whizzing round the budget supermart today, I did a double-take and spotted an Amarone at the ludicrous pittance of £3.99. [Insert comedy ACME brakes screech sound effect] Now, at at average of around £12-20 usually,  I did look around to see if anyone else was about to accost me. No, not yet..I gingerly filled the basket with as much as I could carry of the loot and checked it the hell out.

Hooray for budget Christmas wine- I escaped with a ridiculous bargain. This has only happened a few times: buying out the shop with cases of Grand Cru Claret for my uncle, when I spotted a misprinted bottle ($6) back on Tortola, BVIs, and once in our local Co-Op.

Hooray for Christmas! Hooray for School holidays and Hooray for family. Hooray for insane budget red wine too.

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